Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today he went left...

Slidell starts out every morning walking down our field behind the house. He has the choice of heading right, toward The Healy's farm and the distant train tracks OR he can go left, through a line of woods and enter the back yards on Cathcart Road. Today he went left...

first passing my neighbor's tennis court

then moving thru the woods

up a big hill

and into someone's driveway



he sure does manage to find some nice wide open spaces

and then he heads back home :  )

Hi Buddah (bunny under umbrella to the left), I'm back


andi healy said...

He stopped by to say Hello to Sara and me while we were clearing the path next door. Sara tried to carry him home....NO WAY, he was late for an appoinment?

Unknown said...

I love the landscape shot with the big sky and clouds all squiggley, very artsy and abstract work Slidell!

Anonymous said...

He has been a guest at our house on Florence Drive so often that my kids thought he was theirs! They named him Isolde (evidently,they thought he was a she), or Izzy for short. We love "Izzy's" visits, and hopes he returns. So nice to know more about him!

Barb said...

I love it!
Many years ago I wanted to do this with my cats but the tiny technology wasn't there. Now the cats aren't so I will follow through the adventures you're capturing.

Gigi said...

I'm just seeing these comments now - thanks everyone!

And to the Florence Drive family, I adore the fact that you welcome "Izzy" to your home : ) Feel free to visit us at 413 Plymouth - your kids might like to meet Sli's cat and bunny sisters!

Anonymous said...

Love the one of his whiskers!!

Vicki said...

That's my driveway!

Vicki said...

That's my driveway!