Friday, May 21, 2010

The Sli Good-Bye

Dear Friends and Fans, there is no easy way to say what I have to say. On Tuesday May 11th, Slidell was struck and killed (instantly) by a car. I never dreamed this would happen to him and I am in a state of grief and disbelief. I’m sorry to shock you with this dreadful news.

I am thankful Sli had a great life with all the freedom and comforts he desired. His photographs and video are a testament to the wonder and adventure that filled his days. I am thankful he was such a friendly cat who connected with so many people, spreading his love all around. He brought a smile to my face each and every time I looked at him, I am forever grateful to have been his person.

I’ve put together the following slideshow in keeping with his famousness, thanks for being fans of the Sli Photographer and for adoring Slidell right along with me. ~ Gigi

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Video Camera

check out Slidell's MOTION PICTURE point of view....