Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Survivor, Adventurer & Artist?

Could Slidell possibly know what he is doing with this camera? Maybe it's my imagination but, his photos seem to be getting better - you be the judge and check out today's shots...

the whiskers amaze me every time

I think that is a ground hog up on the left...???


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the movement in this photo is because Sli is running towards the groundhog? No hunting Sli!!


Tamela said...

He is so beautiful!!! He reminds me of my Maine Coon kids, but they would never allow the camera around their necks.

Gigi said...

Hi Tamela, he wears it like a champ - he was just sitting on my deck grooming himself after breakfast, I brought the camera out and said "what do you think, want to wear it today?" and with that he looked right at me with his chin up, I put it on and he jumped off the deck and headed toward your house!