Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For Sophie

Today's entries are for Sophie who has been patiently awaiting more photos of Slidell's adventures.
Thanks for loving Sli so much, I hope you enjoy these! ~ Gigi

in the field with Polly

they were side by side for a while - lots of photos with this stick

Polly's paddock

look closely and you'll see the camera to the left (black circle is the lens), his whiskers above
adjust your eyes and you can see he is looking through glass at a chair, table and lamp
anyone home??????

neighbor's shed doors - 2 houses over from us

whiskers again

love these ones taken while he is moving

the whiskers here are in line with the movement

home again - meal time in the red kitchen

window and curtains - taken when he jumped onto the massage table for his nap
that's it for today!


Anonymous said...

more fabulous photos - the reflection was is soooo cool! We also love the red and blue stripey one, very American abstract. G&H

Andi Healy said...

Slidell...Polly (the pony) knows who is the boss in the pastures, YOU