Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

The rain has been relentless so today's entries are from previous outings. Lately, Slidell is either soaking wet sitting on my couch pulling leaves out of his tail or waiting on the weather in his dog house...

ahh the sun

heading for the cat door

our yard

looking at the back of our house

moving toward Bama

 sitting on our deck

inside our shed
he must have slept under here - lots of photos of this canopy

 Silus's yard (one of the rabbits) - Sli jumps in and out over that gate

fall colors & whiskers

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cloudy with a chance of grey hair...

Slidell's long hair, white chin and giant whiskers show up in quite a few pictures, check out the collection below...


upper left looks like an x-ray of his ear


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Survivor, Adventurer & Artist?

Could Slidell possibly know what he is doing with this camera? Maybe it's my imagination but, his photos seem to be getting better - you be the judge and check out today's shots...

the whiskers amaze me every time

I think that is a ground hog up on the left...???

Monday, October 19, 2009

What A Life

A beautiful day so Slidell was on the move, making a big loop around the neighborhood and a final stop to visit Cinnabun. He took over 300 photos - visiting many homes, jumping numerous fences and hanging out in the woods for quite some time - what a life!

first stop - the Healy's horse trailer

not sure where these stone steps are but, impressive composition




check it out - he is on top of the fence in this photo




love the whiskers


AJ Healy is arriving home!

Sli is looking up about to jump where there is a break in wire fencing

under the Healy's trailer again

this is why I have poison ivy all the time!

now he is in the rabbit pen looking at the gorgeous custom doors that Andrew made

Bud-dah's hutch

heading under Cinnabun's hutch - notice Sli's white chin

something in the sky caught his eye

nose to nose with Cinnabun - his little Rex rabbit sister, saying Hi